
Changing Packages

To change which packages are built for a given profile, edit the list of packages given in the file $SDK2_ROOT/profile/<profile_name>/packages. Lines can be commented out using the # symbol.

Adding Profiles

To add a profile, simply copy one of the existing profiles in $SDK2_ROOT/profile and edit the files $SDK2_ROOT/profile/<profile_name>/settings and $SDK2_ROOT/profile/<profile_name>/packages as necessary.

Adding Packages

To add a package (for subsequent listing in $SDK2_ROOT/profile/<profile_name>/packages), you need to create a package description (PD) file in the directory $SDK2_ROOT/package (or a subdirectory thereof). The PD file is written in the Bash scripting language. Perhaps the best way to learn about PD files is to look at the existing files within the subdirectories of $SDK2_ROOT/package. Briefly, at minimum a PD file must define the following variables:

Name of file containing source code for package (must exist in $SDK2_TMP/src directory, or on the server with the URL prefix given by the PROFILE_URL profile variable)
Name of directory to unpack source code into (typically, the same as the package name)

Additionally, the PD file must define a Bash function build() which contains the commands necessary to build the package. It may also define functions unpack() and install(), which handle unpacking the source code and installing the package; if these are not defined, then defaults are used (see the script $SDK2_ROOT/exec/sdk2 for details).